jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

ethical values taller evaluativo 1 y 2

From the late sixteenth century until the mid-nineteenth century, the Pe conducted a struggle for the overthrow of feudalism to create the conditions for the accumulation of Value (capital). This struggle thiswas conducted sacros a wide front including political agitation in favour of the Rights of Man and the systematic development of science and philosophy, particularly Epistemology - the study of the limits and validity of Knowledge. The progress of Epistemology is intimately linked to the practical progress of knowledge and co-extensive with the era of the bourgeoisie. Epistemology is the Essence of Bourgeois Philosophy.
On the other hand, every step forward in science and technology has served only to plunge whole nations into destitution and wealth has been amassed by the perfection of weapons of war, deepening hypocrisy and growing unemployment. The bourgeoisie’s attempts to develop Ethics are laughably inept. As Engels relates in Socialism, Utopian & Scientific in relation to the French Revolution

  Palabras desconocidas: strugle, luchar
  Overthrow: dar la vuelta    Sacros:  sagrado
 Desde el siglo XVI  hasta  mitad del siglo XIX ,  la burgesía  ha conducido por  luchar  y  dar la vuelta al feudalismo para crear  las condiciones para la acumulación  del valor .
TIEMPO VERBAL. Pasado Simple
1. Articulos: the  -   a
2. SUSTANTIVOS: Bourgeoisie -  Capital
3. Verbos : Conducted - study
4. ADJETIVOS :  Conditions - sagrado
5. Preposiciones:  from  -  into

6. Conjunciones:  And  - 

7. Prefijos:  Including - extensive

8. Sufijos: intimately

frases nominales :

The progress of Epistemology is intimately linkend
to the practical progress of knowledge and co-extensive with the era of the bourgeoisie

frase nominal : the progress of epistemology is
frase verbal : Linkend
conados verdaderos:

REFERENCIALES:  this  =  lucha

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